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Issue Title
Vol 30, No 1 (2009) BOEKRESENSIES / BOOK REVIEWS Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 29, No 2 (2008) Boekresensies/Book reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 29, No 3 (2008) Boekresensies/Book reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 27, No 1 (2006) Boekresensies/Book reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 28, No 1 (2007) Boekresensies/Book reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 28, No 2 (2007) Boekresensies/Book reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 38, No 3 (2017) Bonhoeffer and costly reconciliation in South Africa – through the lens of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission Abstract PDF
P. G.J. Meiring
Vol 28, No 1 (2007) Bonhoeffer in South Africa: Role model and prophet Abstract PDF
PGJ Meiring
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 1 (2001) Book Reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 2 (2001) Book Reviews Abstract PDF
Editorial Office
Vol 28, No 1 (2007) Bpotos A favourite word of Homer in the Septuagint version of Job Abstract PDF
Evangelia G Dafni
Vol 29, No 1 (2008) Bricolageliturgie: Liturgical Studies Revisited Abstract PDF
Marcel Barnard
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Building welcoming and inclusive congregations: Biblical hospitality as a theological paradigm Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Timothy W. Shirley, Malan Nel, Esias E. Meyer
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 12, No 1 (1991) Burgerlike Ongehoorsaamheid Abstract PDF
J. A. Heyns
Vol 34, No 1 (2013) Burial society versus the Church in the Black society of South Africa: A pastoral response Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
David K. Semenya
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 2 (2001) "But where's the bloody horse?" Die NG teologie in Afrika Abstract PDF
A.S. van Niekerk
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 16, No 1 (1995) Bybelkunde as eiesoortige teologiese dissipline binne 'n veranderende Suid-Afrikaanse konteks Abstract PDF
S.J. Joubert
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 20, No 2 (1999) BYBELWETENSKAPPE Details PDF
C.J.A. Vos
Vol 29, No 1 (2008) Bybewetenskappe/Biblical Sciences Abstract PDF
H J C Pieterse
Vol 38, No 1 (2017) Called and sent to make a difference: Radical missionality Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Malan Nel
Vol 26, No 3 (2005) Called into the Freedom of Christ in a Postmodern Age and the Moral Debate Abstract PDF
Johann-Albrecht Meylahn
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Calling and conscience: Paul as an example Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Gert J. Malan
Vol 28, No 1 (2007) Can a major religion change? Reading Genesis 1–3 in the twenty-first century1 Abstract PDF
IJJ Spangenberg
Vol 37, No 1 (2016) Can the Song of Songs be described (also) as a form of dark green religion? Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Hendrik Viviers
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Can we live a good life? Engaging Kretzschmar’s social ethics Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Wessel Bentley
Vol 34, No 1 (2013) Caribbean society: Elite networks in Suriname Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Franklin Jabini
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 16, No 2 (1995) Carl Borchardt en die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis Abstract PDF
J.W. Hofmeyr
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 14, No 2 (1993) Cartographers, canons and cuckoos - historiography of the study of the Old Testament Abstract PDF
H. L. Bosman
Vol 38, No 4 (2017) Celebratory nostalgia: Reflecting on the work and impact of the Department of New Testament Studies at the University of Pretoria Abstract PDF
Hanr Janse van Rensburg
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Cessationism and continuationism: Pentecostal trinitarianism balances the tension Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Kelebogile T. Resane
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 19, No 1 (1998) Challenges for writing Church History in Africa in a global age: A Zambian perspective Abstract PDF
J. W. Hofmeyr
Vol 30, No 1 (2009) Challenging Biblical Fundamentalism by Seeking the Influence of the Synagogue in the Formation of the Synoptic Gospels Abstract PDF
J.S. Spong
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 21, No 2 (2000) Cheating at the market place - impressions from Micah 6:9-16 Abstract PDF
W. J. Wessels
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 5, No 1 (1984) Chiasmes in Maleagi 1:2–5 Abstract PDF
S. D. Snyman
Vol 38, No 1 (2017) Christ also ours in Africa: A consideration of Torrance's incarnational, Christological model as nexus for Christ's identification with African Christians Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Vhumani Magezi, Christopher Magezi
Vol 33, No 1 (2012) Christ Apostolic Church women in dialogue with 1 Corinthians 14:34–36 Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
George O. Folarin, Stephen O. Afolabi
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 2 (2001) Christ: a Solution to Suffering in First Peter Abstract PDF
P.F. Steenberg
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Christene wat Joodse gebruike opneem: Die Hebrew Roots-leerstellings, beoordeel vanuit Handelinge 10:9-29, Handelinge 15:1-35 en Galasiërs 2 en pentekostalistiese hermeneutiek Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Leonie Meyfarth, Marius Nel
Vol 27, No 3 (2006) Christian attitude in business Abstract PDF
J M Vorster
Vol 39, No 1 (2018) Christian ethics and secularisation: Business as usual? Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Dawid E. de Villiers
Vol 33, No 2 (2012) Christian ethics in the face of secularism Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Jakobus M. Vorster
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Christian faith and science: Efforts to encounter the Christian faith and science in the work of Alister E. McGrath Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Tumpal Pandiangan, Pujiastuti Liza Sindoro, Agus Santoso, Juli Santoso, Bobby Kurnia Putrawan
Vol 36, No 1 (2015) Christian Leadership as a trans-disciplinary field of study Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Volker Kessler, Louise Kretzschmar
Vol 25, No 1 (2004) Christian nominality in methodism Abstract PDF
A Bester
Vol 25, No 2 (2004) Christian Sexual Ethics in a Time of HIV/AIDS – A Challenge for Public Theology Abstract PDF
Michael Haspel
Vol 32, No 1 (2011) Christianity and the African traditional religion(s): The postcolonial round of engagement Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
David T. Adamo
Vol 26, No 2 (2005) Christianity in Africa: a historical appraisal Abstract PDF
Samson A Fatokun
Vol 38, No 1 (2017) Church and war: A change in hermeneutical stance among Pentecostals Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Marius Nel
Vol 44, No 1 (2023) Church and xenophobia: The tension between nationhood and God’s mission in South Africa Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Christopher Magezi
Vol 30, No 3 (2009) Church History and Church Polity in the Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria Abstract PDF
Graham A. Duncan, Johan van der Merwe, Barry van Wyk
Vol 35, No 1 (2014) Church planting in South Africa: The role of the Reformed Church Tshiawelo Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Muthuphei A. Mutavhadsindi, Piet G.J. Meiring
Vol 32, No 1 (2011) Cities of God in northern Asia minor: Using Stark's social theories to reconstruct Peter's communities Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Mark W. Wilson
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Clergies and self-care during the COVID-19 pandemic: A challenge to pastoral care Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Hundzukani P. Khosa-Nkatini
Vol 34, No 1 (2013) Collection stewardship constrained by resources: The management of religious archives in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal region Abstract HTML EPUB XML ONLINE APP. 1 ONLINE APP. 2 PDF
Francis Garaba
Vol 35, No 1 (2014) Communicating amidst reality: Ezekiel’s communication as a response to his reality Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Johan Serfontein, Wilhelm J. Wessels
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 20, No 1 (1999) Communities of faith as texts in the process of biblical interpretation Abstract PDF
L. Jonker
Vol 37, No 1 (2016) Compassionate leadership? Some reflections on the work and life of Michael Lapsley Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Ian A. Nell
Vol 35, No 1 (2014) Condemning or liberating the twelve tribes of Israel?: Judging the meaning of κρίνοντες in Q 22:28, 30 Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Llewellyn Howes
Vol 29, No 2 (2008) Confessional and ecumenical? Revisiting Edmund Schlink on the hermeneutics of doctrine Abstract PDF
D J Smit
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Confronting xenophobia in South Africa and the concept of foreigner in Deuteronomy as an act of ‘othering’ Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Doniwen Pietersen
Vol 34, No 2 (2013) Confusing redaction and corruption: A house going to hell Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
James Alfred Loader
Vol 30, No 2 (2009) Considerations for acceptability in Bible translation Abstract PDF
Diphus C. Chemorion
Vol 38, No 1 (2017) Considering the this-worldly religious focus of the African traditional worldview as found in South Africa Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Desmond Henry, Jacques Malan
Vol 30, No 1 (2009) Constructing Protestant and Catholic Peters: A comparative study in the literary use of the New Testament and ecclesiastical tradition Abstract PDF
F. Hale
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 18, No 1 (1997) Context and violence in individual prayers for protection Abstract PDF
D. G. Firth
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Contextual Christology in the phrase ‘apo isa elmaseh’ and the word ‘opo’ Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Jekson Berdame, Denni H.R. Pinontoan, Christar A. Rumbay
Vol 42, No 1 (2021) Contextualisation: A case study of a team within an international missional order Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Kasebwe T.L. Kabongo
Vol 30, No 3 (2009) Continuing theological training at the University of Pretoria Abstract PDF
Malan Nel
Vol 40, No 1 (2019) Conundrum of religious mafia and legislation in South Africa: When does religion become a national threat? Reference to the Seven Angels Ministry Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Bekithemba Dube
Vol 44, No 1 (2023) Corrigendum: A holistic homiletical approach to preaching based on ancient and modern texts Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Victor S. Kim, Malan Nel, Ernest van Eck
Vol 44, No 1 (2023) Corrigendum: African-initiated churches and environmental care in Limpopo, South Africa: A missional enquiry Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Kasebwe T.L. Kabongo, Juliane Stork
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Corrigendum: Beyond the rhetoric of Genesis 34:1–28: Understanding the rape epidemic during the COVID-19 pandemic Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Favour Uroko, Enobong Solomon
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Corrigendum: Enhancing youth involvement in community development: A pragmatic strategy for local churches Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Mawethu Msebi, Jacques W. Beukes
Vol 44, No 1 (2023) Corrigendum: Eschatological events in Matthew 24:1-15 and COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Chidinma P. Ukeachusim
Vol 44, No 1 (2023) Corrigendum: The church and the parachurch: Can the two dialogue in order to agree? Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Kelebogile T. Resane
Vol 39, No 1 (2018) Corrigendum: ’n Navorsingstrategie vir missionale transformasie Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Cornelius J.P. Niemandt, Jan F. Marais, Willem J. Schoeman, Pieter van der Walt, Nico Simpson
Vol 42, No 1 (2021) COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa: Addiction, Christian spirituality and mental health Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Lea M. De Backer
Vol 38, No 1 (2017) Creation retold: Use of Scripture and tradition in Sirach 16:24–17:14 Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Hulisani Ramantswana
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 16, No 1 (1995) "Daar is die Lam van God... " . Plaasvervangende offertradisies in die Johannesevangelie Abstract PDF
J.G. van der Watt
Vol 40, No 1 (2019) Dancing with Jesus as the incarnate male ‘missionary’ conversant: A homeless group’s reading of John 4 in dealing with gender-based violence Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Eugene Baron
Vol 37, No 2 (2016) Dangling between death and hope: An HIV and AIDS gender-sensitive re-reading of Psalm 6 Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Madipoane Masenya (ngwan'a Mphahlele), V. Ndikhokele N. Mtshiselwa
Vol 34, No 1 (2013) Daniel 9 as part of an apocalyptic book? Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Marius Nel
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 2 (2001) Danielboek as apokaliptiek Abstract PDF
M. Nel
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 15, No 1 (1994) Dansmaats: dogmatiek/etiek en homiletiek Abstract PDF
C. J. A. Vos
Vol 34, No 2 (2013) Das Opfer nach der Sintflut für die Gottheit(en) des Alten Testaments und des Alten Orients: Eine neue Deutung Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Gerlinde Baumann
Vol 31, No 1 (2010) Dating the Priestly text in the pre-exilic period: Some remarks about anachronistic slips and other obstacles Abstract HTML XML PDF
Esias E. Meyer
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 20, No 1 (1999) David’s initial Philistine victories according to Josephus Abstract PDF
C. T. Begg
Vol 23, No 2 (2002) De Gepredikte Jezus – De Prediking aangaande Jezus Christus tussen Theologie en Historie Abstract PDF
R. Bos
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 19, No 2 (1998) De inrichting van de theologie in de plurale cultuur Abstract PDF
H.M. Vroom
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 19, No 3 (1998) De Psalmist als Hizkia, zoon van David. Een intertextuele lezing van Psalm 138 en Jesaja 36-38 Abstract PDF
W. A.M. Beuken
Vol 25, No 2 (2004) De Rationaliteit van de Religieuze ervaring fideïsme en geloofsverantwoording Abstract PDF
W Stoker
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 18, No 2 (1997) De Vrije Universiteit en de organisatie van de theologie in Nederland Abstract
H.M. Vroom
Vol 36, No 1 (2015) Dealing with corruption in South African civil society: Orientating Christian communities for their role in a post-apartheid context Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Friedrich W. de Wet
Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 1 (2001) Dealing with difference and dissensus within the church as organisation Abstract PDF
M. Painter-Morland
Vol 37, No 1 (2016) Dealing with poverty, health and maternal child survival: The Organisation of African Independent Churches perspective Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Victor M.S. Molobi
Vol 31, No 1 (2010) Deathly silence and apocalyptic noise: Observations on the soundscape of the Book of the Twelve Abstract HTML XML PDF
Aaron Schart
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Decolonial thinking and Europe: Decolonisation between particularity and universalism Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Johann-Albrecht Meylahn
Vol 43, No 1 (2022) Decolonisation – A reading strategy for the African (re-) interpretation of the Old Testament in a (South) African context Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Rudolph de Wet Oosthuizen
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Decolonising intercultural theology and research: What role for cultural outsiders? Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Marcus Grohmann
Vol 45, No 1 (2024) Decolonising theological education in the eyes of African Theologians: Lessons for the church Abstract HTML EPUB XML PDF
Peter Masvotore
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