Original Research
Sendingwetenskap vir die derde millennium - Deel 1
Verbum et Ecclesia | Skrif en Kerk: Vol 19, No 2 | a591 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v19i2.591
| © 1998 P.G.J. Meiring
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 08 August 1998 | Published: 08 August 1998
Submitted: 08 August 1998 | Published: 08 August 1998
About the author(s)
P.G.J. Meiring, University of Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (516KB)Abstract
Missiology for the third millennium
Not only missions, but also the study of the Science of Mission, Missiology, continually finds itself under close scrutiny. Reacting to the many questions in this regard, the author reflects on three main themes: 1) What place - if any - should be awarded to Missiology within a Theological curriculum?; 2) What constitutes Missiology's unique nature and content?; 3) Which are the challenges facing missiologists on the eve of the Third Millennium? Referring to the last theme, five specific issues to be published as Part Il of the article in a next edition of this magazine, are tabled: Missiology's theological point of departure, its relationship with the church, its context (in this case, Africa), the quest for a relevant agenda, and the methods it chooses to apply.
Not only missions, but also the study of the Science of Mission, Missiology, continually finds itself under close scrutiny. Reacting to the many questions in this regard, the author reflects on three main themes: 1) What place - if any - should be awarded to Missiology within a Theological curriculum?; 2) What constitutes Missiology's unique nature and content?; 3) Which are the challenges facing missiologists on the eve of the Third Millennium? Referring to the last theme, five specific issues to be published as Part Il of the article in a next edition of this magazine, are tabled: Missiology's theological point of departure, its relationship with the church, its context (in this case, Africa), the quest for a relevant agenda, and the methods it chooses to apply.
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