Original Research
Bonhoeffer in South Africa: Role model and prophet
Verbum et Ecclesia | Vol 28, No 1 | a101 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v28i1.101
| © 2007 PGJ Meiring
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 17 September 2007 | Published: 17 November 2007
Submitted: 17 September 2007 | Published: 17 November 2007
About the author(s)
PGJ Meiring, University of PretoriaFull Text:
PDF (79KB)Abstract
Dietrich Bonhoeffer , arguably more than any other European theologian, influenced the way in which South African Christians, clergy and laity alike, have come to see their role in the struggle against apartheid. In his article the author describes the manner in which the German theologian was accepted as a role model by
many, and evaluates his influence in the theological and ethical debates in the country. The aim of the article is to determine whether Bonhoeffer – who was born a hundred years ago, in 1906 – still has a message for us today, in a different time and under different circumstances. The author’ s conclusion is in the affirmative: Bonhoeffer’ s message is as powerful as ever . The basic principles in his teaching are as important to us today and tomorrow as they have been in the past. The author refers to five principles: 'Confessing Christ here and now’, ‘Putting a spoke in the wheel’, ‘Learning to see things from below’, ‘Acknowledging our guilt’, and ‘Becoming a church for others beyond privilege’.
many, and evaluates his influence in the theological and ethical debates in the country. The aim of the article is to determine whether Bonhoeffer – who was born a hundred years ago, in 1906 – still has a message for us today, in a different time and under different circumstances. The author’ s conclusion is in the affirmative: Bonhoeffer’ s message is as powerful as ever . The basic principles in his teaching are as important to us today and tomorrow as they have been in the past. The author refers to five principles: 'Confessing Christ here and now’, ‘Putting a spoke in the wheel’, ‘Learning to see things from below’, ‘Acknowledging our guilt’, and ‘Becoming a church for others beyond privilege’.
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Crossref Citations
1. A teleological interpretation of Bonhoeffer's concept of “A World Come of Age”
Paul Dankers, Christian W. Willerton
Dialog vol: 62 issue: 2 first page: 216 year: 2023
doi: 10.1111/dial.12823