Original Research
Biblical Interpretation in the Russian Orthodox Church: An historical and hermeneutical perspective
Verbum et Ecclesia | Skrif en Kerk: Vol 22, No 2 | a654 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v22i2.654
| © 2001 A. Negrov
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 11 August 2001 | Published: 11 August 2001
Submitted: 11 August 2001 | Published: 11 August 2001
About the author(s)
A. Negrov, University of Pretoria, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (752KB)Abstract
for an understanding of biblical interpretation within the Russian Orthodox Church. Its purpose is not to advocate pro or contra Russian biblical scholarship, but to place the emphasis on the history of biblical interpretation in the Russian Orthodox Church and on Orthodox biblical hermeneutics. Two considerations are specifically pertinent to the study of this topic. First, the history of biblical interpretation is surveyed from a sole and specific perspective - from within a· historico-dogmatic development of the Russian Orthodox Church from the Kiev period of its history (9_13th century) till the Synodal period (1721-1917). Second, it is true that once originated, the Biblical Study in Russian Orthodoxy went its own way and developed its own fundamental principles of interpretation. Although many principles correlated and corresponded with general principles of biblical interpretation, in essence they form "Russian Orthodox Hermeneutics". This paper seeks to establish an outline of the essential elements of Orthodox biblical hermeneutics as they developed in the history of interpretation.
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