Original Research
Outo-etnografie as selfhulp vir predikante met bedieningsmoegheid: Verkennende opmerkings
Verbum et Ecclesia | Vol 32, No 1 | a465 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v32i1.465
| © 2011 Alfred R. Brunsdon, George A. Lotter
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 05 October 2010 | Published: 24 August 2011
Submitted: 05 October 2010 | Published: 24 August 2011
About the author(s)
Alfred R. Brunsdon, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South AfricaGeorge A. Lotter, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
Auto-ethnography as self-help for ministers with ministry-fatigue: Exploratory remarks
This article addressed the possible benefits of auto-ethnography as a form of self-help for ministers suffering from ministry-fatigue. Given the fact that the ministry is a vocation with little or no support for its workers, ministers must develop self-help skills to manage fatigue. Auto-ethnography is an exciting new development in the field of qualitative research methodology. In recent times, a number of researchers have used this method to shed light on various phenomena, especially those of a personal nature. This article explored the notion that, apart from making a contribution to science, auto-ethnography also has therapeutic value for writers who implement this method. This article made some exploratory remarks on this issue, with special reference to the therapeutic possibilities that it may have for ministers suffering from ministry-fatigue.
This article addressed the possible benefits of auto-ethnography as a form of self-help for ministers suffering from ministry-fatigue. Given the fact that the ministry is a vocation with little or no support for its workers, ministers must develop self-help skills to manage fatigue. Auto-ethnography is an exciting new development in the field of qualitative research methodology. In recent times, a number of researchers have used this method to shed light on various phenomena, especially those of a personal nature. This article explored the notion that, apart from making a contribution to science, auto-ethnography also has therapeutic value for writers who implement this method. This article made some exploratory remarks on this issue, with special reference to the therapeutic possibilities that it may have for ministers suffering from ministry-fatigue.
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Crossref Citations
1. Screening the church: A study of clergy representation in contemporary Afrikaans cinema
Shaun Joynt, Chris Broodryk
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies vol: 74 issue: 1 year: 2018
doi: 10.4102/hts.v74i2.4891