Original Research
Die apologetiek van C S Lewis: 'n Gereformeerdteologiese besinning
Verbum et Ecclesia | Skrif en Kerk: Vol 16, No 2 | a451 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v16i2.451
| © 1995 G.v.W. Brand
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 September 1995 | Published: 21 September 1995
Submitted: 21 September 1995 | Published: 21 September 1995
About the author(s)
G.v.W. Brand,Full Text:
PDF (689KB)Abstract
The apologetics of C S Lewis: A Reformed theological reflection In this, the first part of a two part study in which the validity of C S Lewis's apologetics is evaluated from a Refonned perspective, the author considers various theological and philosophical criticisms that have been raised against the discipline of apologetics as such, and concludes that apologetics cannot be declared illegitimate in principle. Using insights gained from this discussion, he then goes on 10 delineate certain theological and philosophical prerequisites for any legitimately Refonned apologetic enterprise, and to develop a model for apologetics that can be sho'r'/Il to correspond 10 these prerequisites.
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