Original Research

Die oudste boodskap via die nuutste massamedium: evaluering van ‘n e-pos dagstukkiediens

Christo Lombaard, Marlize Rabe
Verbum et Ecclesia | Vol 26, No 2 | a233 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v26i2.233 | © 2005 Christo Lombaard, Marlize Rabe | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 03 October 2005 | Published: 03 October 2005

About the author(s)

Christo Lombaard, Universiteit van Pretoria, South Africa
Marlize Rabe, Universiteit van Suid-Afrika, South Africa

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This study focuses on daily devotionals from the Old Testament that are sent to subscribers by means of email.  A questionnaire was circulated among subscribers to this free service, to ascertain their experience of these devotionals. High levels of satisfaction and a positive orientation were found with regards to both the content and the medium of dissemination. Recommendations for the further expansion of this electronic service are offered.


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Crossref Citations

1. Non-Moses le Roux: Premises, promises and fulfilment in the work of J.H. le Roux
Christo J.S. Lombaard
Verbum et Ecclesia  vol: 40  issue: 1  year: 2019  
doi: 10.4102/ve.v40i1.1913