Original Research

A community needs responsive management training model: Re-envisioning management training for pastors of the International Assemblies of God Church

Malesela J. Masenya, Johannes J. Booyse
Verbum et Ecclesia | Vol 37, No 1 | a1498 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v37i1.1498 | © 2016 Malesela J. Masenya, Johannes J. Booyse | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 21 July 2015 | Published: 31 March 2016

About the author(s)

Malesela J. Masenya, Department of Educational Foundations, University of South Africa, South Africa
Johannes J. Booyse, Department of Educational Foundations, University of South Africa, South Africa


Non-profit organisations (NGO’s) play an important role in helping satisfy society’s many needs. Churches, for example, are called upon to address critical challenges facing the South African society such as discrepancies in life chances, unemployment and corruption. It largely depends on the management skills of leaders of such organisations to succeed in their endeavour to meet community needs. In order to improve these skills, this study sought to redefine the initial training of student pastors, including their management training, at the colleges of the International Assemblies of God Church (IAG). A qualitative research approach was followed. Two focus group interviews and seven individual interviews were conducted. Interviews included members of the national and provincial executive committees of the IAG, serving pastors, directors of training colleges, pastor trainees in their final year of study, and a newly graduated student. The findings of the study support the importance of formal management training for pastors before being employed in the service of the IAG. This Church has moved away from accepting ministers for service based on their faith and profession of a call to ministry only. The investigation revealed shortcomings in the initial training programmes of pastors; for example, the emphasis on theological courses at the expense of courses that are responsive to community needs and management training issues. Leaders with the competency to respond to community needs are required. The implementation of a transformational management framework, which includes community responsive courses, is recommended as a way to effectively train church leaders.

Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: Although this article is written within the framework of Educational Management, it touches on other fields like Practical Theology and Curriculum Development. It reflects on the perceived need to include management training in the formal preparation of pastors; an aspect which has previously been sorely neglected. A training model is suggested to achieve this objective.

Keywords: community; training; pastors


community; training; pastors


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Crossref Citations

1. Ministerial Training on Consumer Culture and Volunteer Management May Prevent Burnout for Small-Church Clergy
Debra White Smith
Pastoral Psychology  vol: 69  issue: 3  first page: 225  year: 2020  
doi: 10.1007/s11089-020-00905-6