Original Research
Matteus 18:15—20: 'n Diachroniese en sinchroniese ondersoek met besondere verwysing na kerklike dissipline
Verbum et Ecclesia | Skrif en Kerk: Vol 9, No 1 | a1146 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/ve.v9i1.1146
| © 1988 H. C. van Zyl
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 02 August 1988 | Published: 02 August 1988
Submitted: 02 August 1988 | Published: 02 August 1988
About the author(s)
H. C. van Zyl,, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (233KB)Abstract
Matthew 18:15—20: A diachronic and synchronic investigation with special reference to church discipline
It is well known that gospel material consists of traditional matter as well as the evangelists' own input. A thorough exegesis should contain both the aspects of the investigation into the growth of the tradition (diachrony), and the study of the text in its final stage (synchrony). Matthew 18:15—20 is subjected to such an approach. As part of the diachrony these verses are studied by means of the historical critical paradigm. Special attention is paid to source and redaction criticism. Under the synchronic aspect this pericope is investigated structurally, historically and theologically. Discourse and narrative analyses are used for the structural component.
It is well known that gospel material consists of traditional matter as well as the evangelists' own input. A thorough exegesis should contain both the aspects of the investigation into the growth of the tradition (diachrony), and the study of the text in its final stage (synchrony). Matthew 18:15—20 is subjected to such an approach. As part of the diachrony these verses are studied by means of the historical critical paradigm. Special attention is paid to source and redaction criticism. Under the synchronic aspect this pericope is investigated structurally, historically and theologically. Discourse and narrative analyses are used for the structural component.
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